Uebert Angel Store
The Secret Place
Have you ever wondered why the "secret place" is referred to as a secret? And if it is a secret, who told you about it? If it is a place, where do you find it, and how can you access it?
The secret place is not what you think it is. Contrary to the lies many have been taught, it is not a place you can enter. It is not a prayer closet or room designated for prayer. Neither is it an atmosphere that you enter through worship. But without understanding the secret place, you will never fully benefit from being a Christian. The secret place is indeed a secret, but it will no longer be a secret to you.
In this life-opening book by world renowned Prophetess, Beverly Angel, whose prophetic ministries carry deep and profound revelations on prayer, you will finally discover the truth about the secret place - what it is, where it is found, and how you can dwell there.
The Secret Place unmasks the greatest revelation of who you are and the extraordinary life you are meant to live as a Christian. Find answers to why you have not been experiencing the success, victory, protection, and prosperity the Lord has promised you in His Word. Get ready for your life to change forever, because The Secret Place is open to you now!